
Importance of Social and Emotional Development

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Social and emotional development shows a particular concern for a child's development. It is basically a procedure where children attain the ability to experience, understand, express and conduct emotions in order to build meaningful relationships with other individuals (Bridges, 2017). In this particular study, different expected patterns of social, emotional and behavioural development for the age between 0-19 years will be covered.

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Explain the Expected Patterns of Social-Emotional and Behavioural Development for Ages 0-19 Years

Child development refers to a phase in which a child who is dependent at the infant stage turns into an independent individual who contributes to functioning within society. Different patterns of social emotional and behavioural development of the child from birth to 19 years are discussed here.

At an age from birth to 12 months, individuals usually start to get attached to their parents and start to recognise faces. At the age of 6 months, they start to recognize their parents and start to express a fear of strangers. They begin to participate in some simple interactive games.  At the toddler stage, individuals start to show their needs and requirements without crying and start to imitate sounds. Preschool stage which is 2-5 years of age, the child starts to get separated from a carer and becomes somehow independent at self-care and toileting. At the age of 5-12 years, the child starts to become increasingly independent but remains emotionally attached to parents, makes friendships and contributes in society (Arnett and, 2018). At the age of 12-18 years child starts experiencing changes in behaviour and mood swings, gets affected by peer groups, keeps emotional distance from parents and become concerned about self-respect. At the age of 19 years, individuals become fully independent create their own lifestyle and select a particular career path, along with that they develop an economic and social status.  


To explain human behaviour, Sigmund Freud developed a theory called Freud's psychoanalytic theory. According to this theory, the mind of an individual is responsible for both unconscious and conscious decisions which develops on account of psychic drives. Three aspects of the mind which are the ego, superego and id comprise of individual's personality. It is the component of an individual's personality which comes from birth. The ego is basically a component for a tackle with reality. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds moral and internalized standards which an individual attains from parents and society (Malti and Noam, 2016). According to this theory, there are five stages of development which are oral(0-1.5 years) which is the stage of generating negative habits and behaviours. Anal is the stage which is particular in context with healthy habits of toilet training (Jones and Kahn, 2017). Phallic is a stage which is to develop a healthy substitute for sexual attraction. Latency is the stage of developing feelings for the opposite gender and lastly, the Genital stage is the stage of allowing healthy feelings and behaviours.


From the above study, it can be concluded that social, emotional and behavioural development is important for overall child development. It occurs with different patterns and sequences which show different symptoms at different ages.

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